Let èßäÉçÇø be your partner in achieving sustainability
Energy Optimization
èßäÉçÇø leads the Refrigeration & HVAC industry in the reduction of energy costs through Energy Optimization and Green Energy Initiatives brought to you by èßäÉçÇø Energy èßäÉçÇø.
Energy Optimization increases profitability, cutting energy costs and returning those dollars to your bottom line. Our energy technicians and engineers are experts in Energy Management Systems (EMS) and will help you identify and execute significant cost saving opportunities across your systems.
Free Energy Audit
for a free energy audit of your stores by a èßäÉçÇø Energy Optimization certified energy auditor.
èßäÉçÇø Energy Optimization will analyze your portfolio energy use index, prioritize, and make recommendations for the next steps to reduce your energy operating costs.
EPA GreenChill Advanced Refrigeration Partnership
The EPA introduced the in 2007 to encourage the use of technologies, strategies, and practices that minimize refrigerant charges and emissions of ozone-depleting substances and greenhouse gases.
In cooperation with the EPA, GreenChill Partners will:
- Reduce refrigerant charges
- Shift to non-ozone-depleting refrigerants
- Minimize ozone-depleting and greenhouse gas refrigerant emissions
- Promote the adoption of advanced refrigeration technologies
Why should you become an EPA GreenChill Partner?
- Be seen as a sustainability leader in your community
- Reduce your carbon footprint and benefit the environment
- Opportunities for recognition and awards for your achievements
- Reduce energy costs to positively impact your bottom line
- Be prepared to meet upcoming EPA regulation changes
GreenChill Partner Requirements
While voluntary, adhering to the partner requirements for the EPA GreenChill Advanced Refrigeration Partnership will help your store achieve sustainability.
A few of these requirements are:
- Establish base year and report on inventory of refrigeration stock and emissions
- Submit annual aggregate corporate-wide inventory of both ozone-depleting and non-ozone-depleting refrigerant stock and emissions
- Describe technologies and practices implemented to reduce emissions
- Develop and submit a Refrigeration Management Plan
- Commit to using approved non-ozone-depleting refrigerant substitutes in new construction and store remodels
- Provide detailed operational, leak and repair data on all installed advanced refrigeration systems to an independent third party
Want to become a GreenChill Partner, but don’t know where to start? èßäÉçÇø can help you meet the EPA GreenChill Partner Requirements.
REA-GreenChill: Refrigeration
A joint initiative between the EPA and DOE was announced at the Food Marketing Institute’s Sustainability Conference in August 2009.
By Joining the REA-GreenChill initiative, members:
- Commit to a 50% energy savings on new refrigeration systems
- Commit to a 30% energy savings on retrofits
- Reduce refrigerant leak rates to less than 15%
- Reduce refrigerant loss to less than 1.25 lbs./system
The following retailers have already signed up:
- Target
- Whole Foods
- A&P
- BJ Wholesaler
- Giant Eagle
- Fresh And Easy
- Raleys
- Food Lion
DSIRE, the Database of State Incentives for Renewables and Efficiency, is a comprehensive source of information on state, federal, local, and utility incentives and policies that support renewable energy and energy efficiency. Established in 1995 and funded by the U.S. Department of Energy, DSIRE is an ongoing project of the North Carolina Solar Center and the Interstate Renewable Energy Council, Inc.
Go to  to learn more.
According to the Food Marketing Institute (FMI), sustainability is a “business practice and strategy that promotes the long-term well-being of the environment, society and the bottom-line.”
FMI has identified sustainability as a priority issue for the food retail and wholesale industry. They offer resources, consumer research and educational events to help the industry implement sustainability programs. Learn more at .
Additionally, FMI has formed a Sustainability Task Force to help its members understand and respond to the challenge of sustainability. The task force’s first assignment was to develop a Sustainability Toolkit, which can be purchased on the .
FMI Task Force Tips for Building Your Sustainability Strategy
- Have senior management committed and engaged
- Identify one leader
- Build a core team representing key areas
- Identify and build on current successes
- Start with “easy wins” to build momentum
- Find creative ways to get and keep people engaged from corporate to store level
- Utilize outside resources
- Fund the effort
Need help getting started on your store’s sustainability strategy? Contact èßäÉçÇø & HVAC for a consultation today.
The Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Green Building Rating Systemâ„¢ encourages adoption of sustainable green building and development practices through the development and use of universally understood and accepted tools and performance criteria.
LEED promotes a whole-building approach to sustainability by recognizing performance in five key areas of human and environmental health:
- Sustainable site development
- Water savings
- Energy efficiency
- Materials selection
- Indoor environmental quality
According to Facts About Store Development 2007
- LEED is relatively new (2003) and not designed with food retailers in mind
- The industry is gradually moving towards LEED stores
- 8% currently have a LEED-certified store
- 20% are planning on building one in the next five years
- 37.5% of retailers pursue green building without official certification because LEED takes up resources (time and money)
Is your store considering new construction or major renovations under LEED certification? èßäÉçÇø can help you meet LEED’s criteria for energy efficiency and indoor environmental quality. Contact us to learn more.
“Of one thing, we can be sure: energy will be more challenging and more important in the future. Will you, and your business, be ready?”
— Peter Schwartz, Chairman, Global Business Network
In the fall of 2001, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released its first set of Energy Star Regulations for all commercial refrigerators and freezers. ENERGY STAR established the first test guideline for determining daily energy consumption, using ASHRAE 117-1992 as the methodology.
According the to the ENERGY STAR website, a 10% reduction in energy costs for the average supermarket can boost net profit margins by as much as 16% and sales per square foot by $44.
The EPA offers a proven strategy for advanced energy management, and provides the tools and resources to help you each step of the way. Following this strategy can help your store improve its energy and financial performance, while promoting you as an environmental and sustainability leader in your community.
There are seven steps to the strategy:
- Make a Commitment
- Assess Performance
- Set Goals
- Create an Action Plan
- Implement Your Action Plan
- Evaluate Your Progress
- Recognize Achievements
ENERGY STAR partners agree to:
- Adopt the ENERGY STAR strategy
- Measure, track and benchmark energy performance
- Develop and implement a plan to improve energy performance
- Educate staff and the public about your partnership and achievements with ENERGY STAR
Want to become an ENERGY STAR partner, but need help getting started? èßäÉçÇø can help you understand the strategy and provide a refrigerant management plan that will help you operate more sustainably.
Government Energy Initiatives
Government energy initiatives are rapidly changing, and it’s important you are aware of the regulations that affect your business. èßäÉçÇø can provide you with the expertise and services you need to meet or exceed the standards set by these initiatives.
The Clean Air Act
The Clean Air Act is the law that defines the EPA’s responsibilities for protecting and improving the nation’s air quality and ozone layer. Section 608 of The Clean Air Act established record keeping requirements and maximum leak rates for storeowners and operators.
2005 Energy Policy Act
On August 8, 2005, President Bush signed into law the Energy Policy Act of 2005 which included the ARI and ACEEE recommendations for reach-in refrigerator and freezer consumption.
This law is designed to reduce peak power needs by an estimated 8,000 megawatts by 2020 – the equivalent to the output of 27 new power plants of 300 MW each.
2009 Clean Energy & Security Act (Proposed Legislation)
This comprehensive energy bill is designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 17% by 2020. The bill proposes a cap and trade system under which the government sets a limit (cap) on the total amount of greenhouse gases that can be emitted nationally. Companies then buy or sell permits to emit these gases, primarily carbon dioxide (CO2). The legislation would set a cap on total emissions over the 2012–2050 period. Those entities that emit more gases face a higher cost, which provides an economic incentive to reduce emissions.
How will the Clean Energy & Security Act affect you?
This bill will impose a national building code for energy efficiency with aggressive efficiency targets and short deadlines. All new commercial construction and major renovations would have to exceed existing model energy code standards (ASHRAE 90.1, version 2004) by 30% immediately and 50% by 2015.
Want to be prepared in case this bill passes? èßäÉçÇø has the expertise to prepare your store with an energy efficiency plan that will meet or exceed these requirements. Contact èßäÉçÇø for a consultation today.
Retailer Energy Alliance (REA)
The US Department of Energy (DOE) introduced the Retailer Energy Alliance (REA) in February 2008. The REA aims to identify new or underused energy efficiency technologies that have significant potential for energy savings and to select the most promising of these technologies for technology procurement projects.
Under the REA, all aspects of energy use are on the table. Effective engineering design AND efficient operation are emphasized.
Why should you join the Retailer Energy Alliance?
- Help shape an energy independent future for our nation
- Be seen as a sustainability leader in your community
- Reduce your carbon footprint and benefit the environment
- Reduce energy costs to positively impact your bottom line
REA Member Requirements
While voluntary, adhering to the REA member requirements will help your store achieve sustainability. A few of these requirements are:
- Participate in two REA meetings per year to establish objectives and direction
- Participate in at least one subcommittee of interest
- Help establish retail building performance benchmarks by gathering and sharing your energy, equipment and building data
- Share your best energy efficiency practices in building design, operation and maintenance
- Offer your input on future equipment purchases for new construction and retrofits
- Participate in scheduled equipment tests to determine real-world performance
Want to become a Retailer Energy Alliance (REA) member but need some guidance? èßäÉçÇø is well positioned to help you meet the REA member requirements. Contact èßäÉçÇø to learn more.